Lawyer, law graduate from the Faculty of Law and Administration of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. As part of his master’s thesis, he pondered over the intricacies of American contract law in relation to Polish law.
Since the beginning of his adventure with law, he has been focused on broadly developing and deepening his professional competence. In addition to graduating from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, he is also a postgraduate student of labor law and has practiced within the District Courts in Poznań. He has received multiple awards at the international simulations of the Model United Nations (MUN) and the G7 Group (MG7). Since 2021, he has regularly published articles on various aspects of international law.
Thanks to his previous experience, also gained while working in the US, despite his young age, he has a lot of practical knowledge and creatively applies it in practice to create optimal solutions for clients.
- See our teamPrivately: In his spare time, a hobbyist graphic designer and author of a profile on ArtStation, in which he popularizes legal, psychological and historical knowledge. Lover of Eastern cultures, geopolitics, rock ‘n’ roll, psychology and philosophy.
At RPMS, he deals with new technology law, corporate law, labor law, as well as e-commerce in the broadest sense, supporting clients with regulations, privacy policies, GDPR and implementation of specific legal solutions in other EU countries. He also supports company transformation and restructuring processes, including tax aspects.
initiaded court proceedings
value of transferred debt collection cases
completed debt collection cases